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Our Facility and Pool Tour Video

Pool Tour LDSA – Bound Brook

Pool Tour LDSA – Bound Brook

Posted by Little Dolphins Swim Academy on Saturday, October 24, 2015






One of the keys to becoming a successful person is to have an internal fire to achieve one’s aspirations, however we measure them. Any child will accomplish more when it is THEIR idea rather than mom’s or dad’s. A major difference in developing achievement minded kids is recognizing the difference between praising their efforts versus praising their achievements. By praising their effort, a parent is reinforcing the child’s process to be successful rather than praising an outcome that can put pressure and even guilt upon a child if they aren’t able to duplicate the same result each time. Learning to swim safely and proficiently is a wonderful training ground for developing goal minded kids with an internal fire. They can strive for our tangible goals of ribbons, pins, and movement to the next group. But more importantly is their own process of learning how to listen, apply what the coach says and create an outcome of success that is all their own.
-Posted by LDSA


We have an internal tracking system that we update every 4-8 classes looking for skill mastery. You can now view your child’s progress through the parent portal. When you logon g evaluations, then click view tree where you can see what skills were mastered and what still needs improvements to move up to the next level. Each instructor is on alert for when a student approaches achieving their final few skills before advancing to the next level class. They take pride in seeing students move forward. When we feel a move is imminent we will let parents know either on the pool deck or through an email. At that point we can begin looking for a class that will work for your family. The easiest way for us to respond to ‘hows my child doing?” is asking a supervisor on the pool deck (not a lifeguard), or email us in the “parent communication” form at
-Posted by LDSA


The combination of an instructor’s subtle drive, the parent’s patience, and a child’s attention are key elements to learning swimming skills. Each of our group lesson levels has 10 skills that we want our students to master in order to progress to the next level of the academy. For most students, an average of 3-4 classes to master a skill is common. But all children learn at their own pace. We begin with air control, then body balance, and finally propulsion. Just as each skill is a building block to the next skill, each level in the Little Dolphins Swim Academy is essential to excellence at the next one. Just like learning a musical instrument, how skilled a child will become is a commitment by the parent and the child.
-Posted by LDSA


“More than a third of American adults can’t swim the length of a 25-yard pool, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If you’re among the 37 percent of adults who can’t, you’re at greater risk for becoming one of the nearly 10 people who drown each day, on average. Inability to swim is the No. 1 “risk factor” for drowning, the CDC says. Nearly 80 percent of drowning victims are male; 70 percent are adults. Black children are three times more likely to be drowning victims than are white children. The good news is if you don’t know how to swim, it isn’t too late to learn — no matter how old you are, says the Swimming Saves Lives Foundation, the charitable arm of U.S. Masters Swimming.”
-Excerpt from the Pittsburgh Post Gazette

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